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Kotlin Playground

About 3 min

The plugin provides you kotlin playground support.


Install kotlin-playground in your project:

pnpm add -D kotlin-playground

Then enabling via:

import { mdEnhance } from "vuepress-plugin-md-enhance";

export default {
  plugins: [
      // enable kotlin playground
      kotlinPlayground: true,



To use kotlin playground, you should use a container named kotlin-playground.

In it, you can use 2 directives:

  • @file Filename then a code block to add files

    The first file will be the main file, and others will be considered as hidden dependency.

  • @setting then a json block to customize settings.

    Supported options:

    • data-version: Target Kotlin compiler version

    • data-min-compiler-version: Minimum target Kotlin compiler version

    • data-target-platform: target platform, can be junit, canvas, js or java (default).

    • data-highlight-only: Read-only mode, with only highlighting. data-highlight-only: "nocursor" means no focus on editor.

      Or, you can make only a part of code read-only by placing it between //sampleStart and //sampleEnd markers. If you don't need this just set none-markers.

    • data-js-libs: By default component loads jQuery and makes it available to the code running in the editor. If you need any additional JS libraries, specify them as comma-separated list in this attribute.

    • data-output-height: Set the iframe height in px in output. Use for target platform canvas, default is 200.

    • data-crosslink: Show link for open in playground, can be enabled or disabled, defaults to undefined – only supported in playground.

    • data-shorter-height: show expander if height more than value of attribute, defaults to 100.

    • data-scrollbar-style: Chooses a scrollbar implementation, Defaults to overlay.

    • args: Command line arguments.

    • folded-button: set to false to hide code snippet

    • auto-indent: Whether to use the context-sensitive indentation, can be true or false (default).

    • theme: Editor IntelliJ IDEA themes, can be idea, darcula default.

    • mode: Different languages styles. Runnable snippets only with kotlin, can be kotlin (default) ,js, java, groovy, xml, c, shell, swift, obj-c.

    • autocomplete Get completion on every key press, can be true or false (default). If false => Press ctrl + space to activate autocompletion.

    • highlight-on-fly: Errors and warnings check for each change in the editor, can be true or false (default).

    • indent: How many spaces a block should be indented. Defaults to 4.

    • lines: Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor, can be true or false (default).

    • from and to: Create a part of code. Example from line 5 to line 10.

    • match-brackets: Determines whether brackets are matched whenever the cursor is moved next to a bracket, can be true or false (default).

    You can see the below demos to see more details.

You can import and call defineKotlinPlaygroundConfig in client config fileopen in new window to customize kotlin-playground:

import { defineClientConfig } from "vuepress/client";
import { defineKotlinPlaygroundConfig } from "vuepress-plugin-md-enhance/client";

  // `kotlin-playground` options here

export default defineClientConfig({
  // ...
interface KotlinPlaygroundOptions {
  server?: string;
  version?: string;

  onChange?: (code: string) => void;
  onRun?: () => void;
  onError?: () => void;
  getJsCode?: (code: string) => void;
  onTestPassed?: () => void;
  onTestFailed?: () => void;
  onOpenConsole?: () => void;
  onCloseConsole?: () => void;
  callback?: (targetNode: HTMLElement, mountNode: HTMLElement) => void;
  getInstance?: (instance: KotlinPlaygroundInstance) => void;


Basic Playground
Playground title
class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val contact = Contact(1, "")
::: kotlin-playground Playground title

@file main.kt

class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val contact = Contact(1, "")

Readonly Playground
Readonly Playground
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println("Hello World!")
::: kotlin-playground Readonly Playground

@file main.kt

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println("Hello World!")


  "data-highlight-only": ""

Playground with tests
Test Playground
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.Assert

class TestExtensionFunctions() {
    @Test fun testIntExtension() {
        Assert.assertEquals("Rational number creation error: ", RationalNumber(4, 1), 4.r())

    @Test fun testPairExtension() {
        Assert.assertEquals("Rational number creation error: ", RationalNumber(2, 3), Pair(2, 3).r())
Then implement extension functions Int.r() and Pair.r() and make them convert Int and Pair to RationalNumber.
fun Int.r(): RationalNumber = RationalNumber(this, 2)
fun Pair<Int, Int>.r(): RationalNumber = RationalNumber(first, second)

data class RationalNumber(val numerator: Int, val denominator: Int)
::: kotlin-playground Test Playground

@file main.kt

import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.Assert

class TestExtensionFunctions() {
    @Test fun testIntExtension() {
        Assert.assertEquals("Rational number creation error: ", RationalNumber(4, 1), 4.r())

    @Test fun testPairExtension() {
        Assert.assertEquals("Rational number creation error: ", RationalNumber(2, 3), Pair(2, 3).r())
Then implement extension functions Int.r() and Pair.r() and make them convert Int and Pair to RationalNumber.
fun Int.r(): RationalNumber = RationalNumber(this, 2)
fun Pair<Int, Int>.r(): RationalNumber = RationalNumber(first, second)

data class RationalNumber(val numerator: Int, val denominator: Int)


  "data-target-platform": "junit"

Playground with external js libraries
External JS Libraries
external fun moment(): dynamic

fun main() {
    val startOfDay = moment().startOf("day").fromNow()
    println("The start of the day was $startOfDay")
::: kotlin-playground External JS Libraries

@file main.kt

external fun moment(): dynamic

fun main() {
    val startOfDay = moment().startOf("day").fromNow()
    println("The start of the day was $startOfDay")


  "data-target-platform": "js",
  "data-js-libs": ""

Playground with multiple files
Multiple files
import cat.Cat

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val cat = Cat("Kitty")
::: kotlin-playground Multiple files

@file main.kt

import cat.Cat

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val cat = Cat("Kitty")

@file cat.kt

package cat
class Cat(val name: String)
